Uncommon Nasa Song Featured on IRM's Twin Peaks Compilation
Photo by Cheney Orr.
Indie Rock Mag, a website based out of France, has taken on a huge under taking of assembling original music geared toward the classic TV Series, Twin Peaks. With Twin Peaks' imminent return after 25 years off the air, they've enlisted artists from a wide variety of experimental genres to contribute to an upcoming immense collection. Already available for streaming is an introductory EP called Welcome to Twin Peaks which features Uncommon Nasa's Early Season Leland. Early Season Leland is a haunting, twisted tribute to Leland Palmer and Ray Wise's incredible job portraying him through many phases of the character. The full compilation will eventually feature well over 100 artists from several musical disciplines. Make sure to join the Facebook Event for IRM x Twin Peaks for all the latest info, including an upcoming interview with Uncommon Nasa about Twin Peaks.