Uncommon Kingdom Tour Radio & Podcast Wrap Up
Photo by Duke01 in Nottingham, UK
While touring for the first time overseas on an 8 day run in the United Kingdom, Uncommon Nasa & the Last Sons were able to land on more then a few radio shows and podcasts. Here's a wrap up of some of them that are now available to hear online:
The Unheard Nerd's Word to the Nerd Podcast
Uncommon Nasa talks about his joint release with The Unheard Nerd & I Had An Accident called Mink Swimming Pools, getting into the nexus of how and why it came to be as well as his assigned mission by his wife to capture a Mr. Mime within Pokemon GO while in the UK. Last Sons broke down how they met and eventually formed a group together.
Dan Bloody Johns talks to Uncommon Nasa after a gig in London, digging deep into the history of Uncommon Records, Yule Prog and even The Presence. As well as discussing what's next with the upcoming Written At Night LP and touring in the UK. The interview starts at about 40 minutes and the sound quality improves during the first question.
Universal Magnetic Radio on Ujima Radio
Benjamin One chatted with the guys on the air about the changes in the music scene over the past few years, as well as the changes in the political climate on both sides of the pond. This was all before giving way to a live performance from Uncommon Nasa and Duke01. The interview starts at about 17 minutes.
The Hip-Hop Show on FUBAR Radio
Sarah Love & MysDiggi chat it up with Uncommon Nasa & Duke01 about how they came to meet being from across the ocean. After the interview portion, a cypher breaks out with Nasa and Duke and some dope local emcees. The interview portion begins towards the last third of the show.