Uncommon Nasa Debuts First Book, "Withering", with RYME PRESS
Available Now at RYME PRESS.
Uncommon Nasa's debut book, Withering, is available now via RYME PRESS. The book is a collection of poems and short stories from Nasa in the form of a chapbook.
Here's some more about it from Nasa himself:
What RYME PRESS was able to do is take my lyrics and put them not just into a lyric book, but into poetic form via a chapbook. By this means you can read this book, never having heard the songs and still get something from it, or if you know the songs, see the lyrics in a new way. The work in Withering was selected to relate to each other as a collection. Chosen by myself and the publisher. Along with some familiar pieces, there are new works as well. In addition to the poetry and lyrics, I also contributed two short stories to Withering. I am proud to now call myself a "Published Author and Poet", thanks to RYME PRESS. My fiction writing is something I'll continue to work toward for the rest of my life & you'll be able to see the genesis of me working from that side of my brain in a new medium outside of music. Withering also has a forward from my friend and brother, Black-Tokyo. Our collaboration on Halfway is still something I'm eternally grateful to have made and his key contribution as Producer is why he was the perfect choice to write the forward here. I hope you enjoy Withering, it's something myself and RYME PRESS worked very hard to present. It has material in it for those familiar with my work and those new to it and is priced at a beautiful 8.50US$. Grab a copy today!
And here's some info about it from the publisher, RYME PRESS:
In his debut collection of poems and short stories, Uncommon Nasa writes with a tone of harsh wisdom. As he attempts to break through the facade of mainstream culture and politics—its social relations, its stereotypes of race and class, its negligence for art—, Nasa’s writing twists and complexifies, reflecting the arduousness of his analytical approach to life. His tendency to cerebrate, in fact, is relentless. Nasa routinely turns his mind inwards to examine, question, and expose the inner workings, even the contradictions, of his own personality. While Withering is dark, Nasa brings his readers into this uncomfortable territory for a genuine purpose: to discover the truth. Permeated with a sense of the value of sincerity and contemplation, Withering provides both a model and fellowship to those willing to pursue the same.